Setting up a FR650 Clock


Follow these steps in PayClock Online first:

  1. Choose Clocks in the navigation list.
  2. In the slide out menu select Manage Clocks.
  3. Press + New.
  4. In the list select FR650 and press + Select.
  5. In the Device Nickname field, enter any name wish for your FR650.
  6. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number found on the back of the clock.
  7. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address that was typed into the clock.
  8. Press Save.

The PayClock Online Agent is required to communicate with your FR650. It must be installed on a Windows computer in the same network as the clock. Follow these steps to complete the setup of the FR650:

  1. Download and run the Setup Assistant.
  2. Press Next. Check the box and press Next again.
  3. Enter your login credentials for PayClock Online. Press Login.
  4. Press Next unless you are migrating data from an older version of PayClock.
  5. Press Next unless you intend to export on the same computer used to manage your FR650.
  6. Click on the box for FaceRecognition or FR700/FR650 and press Next.
  7. Press Next. After confirming the type of clock that is to be installed press Next again.
  8. Press Install. At the end of the installation press Next.
  9. On the Assign Additional Terminals window check the clock you named in PayClock Online and press Next.
  10. Press Next and then reboot your computer if prompted. After your computer has finished rebooting, your clock will be ready to use.


Mon 08/22/2022